Rapid Inventory

Description: featured project thumbnailSince 1999, Keller Science Action Center botanists and partners have collected more than 13,000 plant specimens during rapid inventories (http://www.fieldmuseum.org/blog/rapid-inventories) of remote wilderness areas, mostly in the Andes-Amazon region of South America. The data from these inventories have helped governments in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru create more than 21 million acres of new protected areas. Published reports from all 29 inventories are available here (http://fm2.fieldmuseum.org/rbi/results.asp). These data are also available on the Field Museum IPT (http://fmipt.fieldmuseum.org:8080/ipt/) and at GBIF (https://www.gbif.org).
  • North America, USA, Illinois, Cook, Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History. [LL]